Filing a First Party PIP Claim After a Baltimore County, MD Auto Accident

If you are injured in a car accident in Baltimore County, the general rule under Maryland’s fault system is to seek compensation from the driver whose negligence caused the incident. Officially, you would pursue the insurance company that provides coverage for the responsible motorist. State law requires all drivers to carry a minimum amount of insurance, which is $30,000 in bodily injury coverage or $60,000 for two or more people. The problem is that not all motorists comply with these laws, so you could be in a tough position if your injuries were caused by an uninsured motorist. Alternatively, the negligent driver may carry the legal minimum amount of insurance, but that coverage may not be enough to compensate for your injuries.

Fortunately, Maryland’s insurance laws include provisions regarding Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. Some answers to the most common questions about PIP should help you understand how these policies work.

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